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How to sign in
hello, i forgot my password and username, can i somehow change my password?
Administratorhi,you should send us your part of name and your country,maybe we can help you.
I did try many times, but it doesn't work. When I submit the form to change the password, I don't receive an e-mail back. I have looked many time in my e-mail and junk box, I get nothing. What can I do?
Did you sent a message to tell me the price of the shipping?
AdministratorHello, when we finish packaging your goods , we will offer you the shipping weight and shipping costs through email. Thank you.
I am already a member, but I can't log in. My order is #2010121346585. I even try to find back my password by e-mail, but I didn't receive answer.
AdministratorHello,I m sorry that I have no right to check the
clients' password . May be you can try a again.