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yuexiu yide road 305# 303 E-mail: banacool.com@hotmail.com
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Return Policy
banacool Reserves the right to charge a handling fee on all returned products.
Several conditions must be met before banacool will refund an item. We also offer partial refunds if conditions for a full refund is not met. Also note that some of our items are non-refundable. You should also call our Customer Support Hot-line and one of our customer representatives will be glad to clarify for you.
We only allow a complete refund for items that have problems caused by banacool . This means that damaged items not caused by banacool cannot warrant a full refund.
If the returning package doesn't include all the accessories and parts it was shipped with, the cost of the accessories and parts will be deducted from the total product price and can only warrant a partial refund.
Several conditions must be met before banacool will replace an item. Note that some of our items are non-replaceable. You should also call our Customer Support Hot-line and one of our customer representatives will be glad to clarify for you.
banacool will ship the replaced package back to you with no charge! We will handle all the necessary shipping fees (from banacool back to you).
banacool will repair your item/items if there is ever a problem with it. You should also call our Customer Support Hot-line and one of our customer sales representatives will be glad to clarify for you. A repairing fee might apply depending upon the reason and condition of the damaged item.
When the package finally returns to our office, we will examine the item, identify the problem, and send the package on its way for repair. Note that the time it takes to repair will differ from item to item. For more information please call our customer representatives for clarification. |
Non-Refundable Products
Non-Replaceable Products
If you have any problems, please feel free to contact customer service, you can click here to submit a ticket. |