User agreement
Please read our terms of service.
1. Law term
All the products are from Chinese factories. And they are produced in Chinese legal factories. This website is just one wholesale business plateform and don't violate the Chinese law. please consider your local law risk when you choose those items. If you dislike those items and the items cause your antipathy, please let us know. You can send email directly to us and write the item code.
2. Products Term
We cannot offer the complete products price list because the products information change very fast. We cannot guarantee all the items are in stock. We will do our best to tell you before you confirm your order. All the products shipped to you will be the same as the pictures. If they are not the same, we will add the additional note and let you know. Some of them are with good packing, but some of them are not with packing. And some of them are not with good quality too. So we offer the big size picture and let you chance to check the real products picture. All the products will avoid any software processing in order to let you see their quality.
3. Price Term
The price is wholesale price. It is based on USD. And the products price is not including the shipping fee. It is FOB Guangzhou of China. The price is based on the order quantity. The trade is one partner business, not just simple selling and buying. We can negotiate all the term with you.
4. Order Term
The order method is one ask and answer one. You can submit the information on our website and we will quote the price information. Then you can modify your order or confirm your order according to our price information. You can be easy to place one inquirement. They are not the formal order. Just when we get your confirm and get your payment, the order will be formal. So don't mind any wrong or modify on our website. Any time you can do any modification. But when you pay the order we will close the order. At that time you cannot modify it again. And we will send the goods out within 3 days. Because the goods change very fast, it is difficult to send all the items in your list. But most of them are ok. So all the payment will be prepaid one, not final payment. The balance calculation will be done after we finish the shipping.
5. Shipping Term
You can choose yourself shipping method. We can offer EMS, UPS, DHL and Fedex etc. And we can also offer the aircargo and sea cargo shipping.
You can tell us what shipping method you want when you place one order. We will quote the shipping cost according to you choice. You can also choose your local shipping company. Most of them have their office in Guangzhou of China. You can pay the shipping cost in your end when you collect your goods. We will also give you some suggestion if you like. If you don't choose pay the shipping cost in your end, you need prepay some shipping fee to us. We will let you know when we quote the products price. Please notice the shipping cost is one prepaid one because we cannot know the excact shipping cost before we finish the shipping. After the shipping is finished, we will tell you the final excact shipping cost. If there are any difference, we will pay or refund it.
6. Compensation Term
All goods will be packed by cartoons. Usually we will do one special protect on the packing. But sometimes some shipping companies cut the boxes. If you find any damage or cut on the boxes, please let us know. We will make the compensation. Usually we treat our customers as our long time business partners, not just one-times trade. So we usually do one full compensation on the goods. You don't need to send the goods back to us. We will refund all the damaged goods payment.